There are many ways you can raise funds and support us. We appreciate whatever you do and are here to answer questions you may have around planning an event however big or small! We have also produced a good fundraising guide if you need it.
We would love to hear about your plans so that we can shout about it on our Events Calendar. And, of course we want to see photos and hear your stories from the big day, so please be sure to send them in and we can add them to the website.
If you need some inspiration for ideas, here are a few to get you thinking!
Social Events
Benefit Performances: Organise a concert or benefit performance. Many bands, orchestras and choirs are often looking out for opportunities to perform for good causes, so you just need to ask!
Book sales: Everyone likes to have a clear out at home now and then, so why not ask your family and friends to donate unwanted books for you to sell.
Art Exhibition: Why not ask a local arts and crafts groups to hold an exhibition of their work and ask guests for an admission fee for the charity? Or, if you are a budding artist or photographer, you could hold an exhibition to display your creativity. You could even sell your own work!
Themed dinner parties: There are a number of different themes you could consider – for example World Cuisines where you could serve up Indian, Australian, Italian cuisine etc and get everyone to dress accordingly and pay an entrance fee. Another example is Back in time for Dinner where you could pick a decade (80s, 70s, 60,s 50s, 40s …) to transport yourselves back to and try and cook dishes typical of that era. Again, have your guests dress accordingly and pay an entrance fee.
Pub Games and Quiz Nights: Why not ask your local pub if you can jump on the back of a quiz and ask for donations on the night? Leave donation boxes on the tables? Teams can pay an entry fee for a quiz, game of dominoes, evening of darts etc. If you can get some fund prizes donated, you can award them to winning/losing team.
Wine or sherry tasting evening: This is a great way to include family, friends and colleagues. Offer them an opportunity to become wine experts. It’s easy to do at home or at a venue where an expert can give their “top tips” on the “top drops”!
Treasure hunt: A really fun way to explore a city. Why not get some local shops involved in the hunt? Do they have any fun facts they can give you? And see if they can donate some prizes. Do this with teams of up to 4 people. Could you award a prize to the team with the best name? Why not end the day with a much needed drink and ask the local bar if they can provide space for the intrepid hunters to celebrate their success? (Participants can pay a fee to take part in the hunt)
Underground pub crawl: The “ultimate pub crawl”. Why not make a plan to follow or two of the London tube lines, visiting pubs en route and taking a donation box with you along the way? And to spice it up, you could wear a fancy dress?
Raffle 50/50: Why not also sell raffle tickets at each event. £5 per ticket, winner receives 50% of the funds and the remaining 50% is donated to us.
Charity of choice: Many schools encourage students to organise fundraising events to raise money for their chosen charities. So why not nominate the Janki Saye Foundation as your charity of choice for the next academic year?
Work and Corporate Ideas
Matched giving: Many employers will match sponsorships and donations you raise. Check with your manager or HR department to see see if your company participates in a matched giving scheme.
Corporate giving: If your company has a Corporate Giving or Philanthropy department, talk to them about the ways that they can make financial donations or in-kind gifts and also raise awareness for this charitable cause
Cake bake: Invite your neighbours around or do this at work. Bake some cake sand sell each slice for £1.
50:50 club: Why not ask your colleagues to donate £1 a month and at the end of each month hold a prize draw? The winner receives 50% of the total and the other 50% is donated to us. You do not need a licence provided at least 50% of the money raised goes into the prize fund.
Running: Do you run on a regular basis and feel that you want to take your running to the next level? 5 or 10k? Half marathon or even a full marathon? There are many races nationwide which you can enter. Are there local runs that you know about? Ask family and friends to sponsor you and maybe raise the stakes if you finish within your predicted time! And remember to consult your GP for advice before you start your endurance training.
Abseiling: Do you see yourself as spiderman? Why not head to the dizzy heights of a popular local (or national) high-rise building and glide down the walls. There are many local and national abseil organisations who will help you decide on the best pace and how to do it. (Make sure the event is supervised by a professional!)
Cycling: If marathon running is not for you, how about cycling? There are many cycling events that you can enter. Why not get sponsored per mile? Cycling is a great thing to do alone or as part of a group.
Swimathon: The popular national swimming event is great for adults and kids. Why not get a group together and do a relay? Or get sponsored to swim a distance?
Triathlon: Book a place in a triathlon and ask family and friends to sponsor you. And don’t forget to ask your employer if they will match your sponsorship total.
Sports matches and competitions: Organise a match or competition such as a golf day, bowls, baseball, bowling or Go-Karting. Ask everyone to pay an entry fee for a quick and easy way to raise money. If you can get some prizes donated, you could run a raffle throughout the day.
Skydiving/wing walking: Are you or your friends brave enough to fly through the air with a parachute or with wings? An amazing experience to do alone or with a group.
More Ideas
Auction of promises: This is a great opportunity to as your friends and family to “put their money where their mouth is”. Why not set up an online group and suggest that everyone taking part puts forward a “promise for cash”? The highest bidder wins! Do you know anyone who could be a chauffeur for the day, or a painter/decorator or a gardener? Or someone who can offer a manicure or pedicure?
£5 into £50: Give friends or volunteer fundraisers £5 and set them a time limit to turn this into £50 by devising a money generating idea. You get your £5 back and we get the remaining £45!
Masterclasses: Do you have a skill that you could teach other people? Are you an e-dancer, musician, singer, cook, language teacher? Why not organise a small class and charge each person a fee.
eBay: Register yourself on ebay and sell off your unwanted items. We have set up a charity ebay page so that the proceeds of your sales go directly into our charity account.
Car boot sale: Why not become involved in the “Great British Sunday Tradition” and pitch up at at a car local boot sale. Or do you know someone with some land or maybe organise your own?
More Information
Please contact us if you have questions, if you need a fundraising pack or if you just want to tell us about your great idea for a fundraiser; we’re here to help!